Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Sometimes we take our back for granted. But on a certain point in our lives our backs try to remind us that we should give attention to it and take cares of backs.

Luckily for most of people back pain is just temporary But for some people, it is more devastating—and a lot frustrating.
Today we are sharing some yoga poses for you which can be used as a solution of your back pain.

Cat or Cow Pose:
Start with a tabletop position on your hands/palms and knees,
Alternate between arching your back and rounding it as you go down on the floor with your hands and tops of your feet.

These postures are very helping to massage your spine, while it also stretches the back and the torso.
These postures are a great way to keep the back springy—and relaxing.

Spinal Twist
When it comes to twisting you have got many postures.
The basic and very effective posture for beginners is Marichyasana III.
Try to keep your left leg straight and start bending the right leg so your foot is in flat position.

Take your right hand on the floor behind you for some support, similar to a tripod, and twist so you will be able to hook and eye the left elbow over the right thigh.
If this is a bit much, you can also grip hold of your right knee and twist to look over the right side shoulder.

Downward Dog

Down Dog is one of the most iconic and great posture in Yoga.

It rejuvenates the entire body.
Start with in tabletop position and start raising your hips so your whole body is in an upside down V position.

Relax the head and neck and try draw the inner thighs toward the back of the room.

Start Spreading your shoulder blades apart and it will stretch your upper back even more, and reaching your hips up and back helps to open your lower back.

Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is not only a great relaxation poses but it also helps to stretch your entire back and the hips.
Start on all fours, keep your arms forward and sit back so your butt is resting above your heels.

Hold and breathe slowly and deeply.
The more you extend in either direction, the more you’ll feel relief.

Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose helps and prevent with stretching and strengthening your back.
Stand with your feet for three feet apart and parallel to each other.
Rotate the right foot so the right heel comes in line with the arch of the left foot.

With your arms extended to the side, tilt at the hip to reach your right hand toward the floor, on either side of your foot.
Rotate your body to the side and reach the fingers of your left hand toward the up.
Gaze at your left hand (as long as it doesn’t hurt your neck!)
You should hold for five to seven breaths before switching the sides.

·        When it comes to back pain, listening to your body is also extremely important and prevention is the key to a long and pain-free life.
 Never try to force any posture (Asana) that could cause you an injury.  


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